The Book Club of California is delighted to present a new evening lecture series on a highly engaging subject: the history of the illustrated book.
Once a year for five years (2018 through 2022), a Monday night presentation will be offered to Club members on topics that explore the beauty, scholarship, and stunning craftsmanship of illustrated books, ranging from medieval times to today. The final lecture will furnish intriguing insights on the possible future of the illustrated book.
Topics will include:
Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Illustration
(14th through 16th centuries)
Early Woodcut Illustration in Printed Books
(16th through 18th centuries)
Pre-Raphaelite / Art Nouveau Book Illustration
(19th century)
Artist Book Illustration
(20th and 21st centuries)
The Future of the Illustrated Book
(21st century and beyond)
For this lecture series, a distinguished group of speakers — national and international experts in their respective fields — will travel to the Book Club from across the US and the UK. They will present us with tales of alluring books, and offer us full-color images of the best the illustrated book has offered over the centuries. Our speakers include: Dan De Simone (Woodcut Illustration) and Mark Samuels Lasner & Margaret D. Stetz (Pre-Raphaelite / Art Nouveau Book Illustration).
The lecture series is sponsored by Club members John Windle and Chris Loker. Their hope is that these five lectures, over the course of five years, will remind us all of the joy of the illustrated book, and encourage Club members to delve further into this fascinating aspect of the world of books. Please revisit this webpage in the coming months for further information!
Click on the links below to learn more about each lecture.
Pre-Raphaelite / Art Nouveau Book Illustration (19th century)
Monday, August 6, 2018
Illustrating Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince Than and Now
Margaret D. Stetz
Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women’s Studies and Professor of Humanities
University of Delaware
Collecting the Illustrators of the 1890s
Mark Samuels Lasner
Senior Research Fellow, University of Delaware Library, Museums & Press