Member Exhibitions

The Book Club of California provides member collectors the opportunity to display their personal collection of books, ephemera, and book related items as part of our year-round effort to highlight the diverse and vital community of book lovers at the Book Club. Member Exhibitions further advance the Book Club’s mission to preserve and promote the history of the book and the book arts.

Members who are interested in exhibiting their personal collection are invited to submit a proposal to

Exhibition details:

An elegant 6.5′ tower exhibit case located in the Book Club’s main room provides four tempered glass shelves for five full levels of display. Adjustable in height, each shelf is 22.5” wide x 21” deep and professionally showcases small and mid-size books, broadsides and other media.

Member Exhibitions are typically 2-3 months in duration and will include an Exhibition Opening event where the member collector can give brief remarks about their collection.

Member collectors must personally own all the items in the exhibition and are responsible for working with Book Club staff on the installation, the exhibition check-list, and other display materials.

Members will sign an Exhibition Agreement prior to having their exhibition announced.

Questions? Please contact

To view past member exhibits, click here.

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