FIFTY YEARS IN THE MAKING: A Reprise by John A. Lehner of the 1970 Decorative Designers Exhibition
In 1970 John A. Lehner attended The Decorative Designers Exhibition and was captivated by the originality and variety of The Decorative Designers’ work. The Decorative Designers operated as a firm, as opposed to individual artists, to present publishers with designs hand-painted onto the cloth that would be used in production, thus giving a clearer representation of the finished product. Lehner spent the next fifty years on a quest to collect all sixty-one books that were on exhibit. On display at the Book Club are all sixty-one of the books that were featured in the 1970 Decorative Designers Exhibition plus an additional thirteen books from The Decorative Designers.
On view July 10, 2023 through October 23, 2023